Monday 15 November 2021

MDS Oral pathology exam question bank

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              Are you doing MDS course in Oral pathology? Here is the question bank of Applied basic sciences, Laboratory techniques and Recent advances in Oral pathology. Feel free to go through and start preparing answers for degree examination. 


           Laboratory techniques

           Applied basic sciences

         Recent advances

Thursday 11 November 2021

Mcqs with answers for MRB entrance exam

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 Colour based mcqs 

1. Gas cylinders-colour code

Oxygen black with white shoulder 

Nitrogen black 

Nitrous oxide blue

Carbon di oxide brownish gray

Ethylene  purple 

Helium brown

Cyclopropane orange 

2. Drugs - discoloured urine

Rifampicin     orange

Phenindione orange

Phenolphthalein pink

Nitrofurantoin brown 

3. Hemoglobin derivatives 

Oxy hemoglobin.dark red

Carboxy hemoglobin .cherry red

Deoxy hemoglobin .purple

Meth hemoglobin .dark brown 

Sulph hemoglobin . green

4. Coloured complex in periodontics

5. Metallic oxides added to dental porcelain colour 

Copper oxide    green

Iron brown

Manganese lavender 

Cobalt blue

Nickel brown 

Titanium yellowish brown 

6. cephalogram visits colour code

Pre treatment      black

Progress               blue

End of treatment red 

Retention              green

7. Fluid wax technique 

waxes used- scientist name- colour

Iowa wax  -Smith -white

Korecta No. 4 wax       Applegate- orange 

Adaptol - Nathan g. Kaye - green

H.L physiologic paste - C.s. Harkins- yellow white.

Monday 8 November 2021

How to prepare for MRB dental entrance exam?

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                                        How to prepare for MRB dental entrance exam?


Hello everyone!

Hope all are doing good.

During this rainy season which is most challenging, let's utilize time.

MRB Dental exam application:

TN Medical recruitment board exams are being conducted for all medical, dental, nursing, AYUSH candidates.

The Advertisement would be published in all leading newspapers and official website.

The mode of application would be via online mode and payment of exam fees in same way.

The previous exams were held in 2013 and 2014.

Mode of exam:

Question paper and OMR method.

The question paper would contain 200 Mcqs.

Duration will be two and half hours.

The question booklet would be collected back along with OMR sheet.

The selection will be based on written exam and performance in interview.

Website for reference:

How to prepare?

Dental pulse is the gold standard textbook.

Other books include

Den test

Dental bytes

Neeraj whadwan question bank.


Sample questions:

The non-prosthetic group in ceruloplasmin is copper.

Sulphur granules are seen in actinomycosis.

The type of giant cell in tuberculosis is Langhans giant cell.




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