Monday, 11 January 2021

Beta Public School Kanchipuram Wanted Lady Teachers

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Are you a qualified teacher searching for Teaching post? Do you have experience as a Teacher in CBSE school or Teaching Experience? You have landed in a correct place. Scroll down to see the details of educational qualification, experience details, how to apply and last date to apply.


Name of the post:  PGT,  TGT








Educational Qualification: 

As per school norms


How to apply:

Interested and eligible candidates shall apply with their resume to the email address given below.

Official address:  

No.1, Beta Paradise Road, (Near Kooram Gate), Vizhakandikuppam Village, Siruvakkam Post, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu 631552


E-mail id:

Contact numbers:


 Salary: Rs 15000 to Rs 20000/- pm

About Beta Public School:

The school was inaugurated on 19th June 2011 and started on 20th June 2011. The school consists of Pre K.G to X std and is a Co – educational Institution Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. The school received CBSE Affiliation from April 2013 and the Affiliation No.1930489. Certificate of recognition issued by the Director of School Education, Government of Tamil Nadu Code No.004-12-S-0062-0320

Chennai Public School Wanted Vice Principal and Teaching Faculty

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Are you a qualified teacher searching for Vice Principal post? Do you have experience as a Vice Principal in CBSE school or Teaching Experience? You have landed in a correct place. Scroll down to see the details of educational qualification, experience details, how to apply and last date to apply.


Name of the post:  Vice Principal, PGT, PRT, TGT

Departments: All subjects

Educational Qualification: 

As per school norms


How to apply:

Interested and eligible candidates shall apply with their resume to the email address given below.

Official address:  

Chennai Public School

TVS Avenue Main Road, Anna Nagar (West Extn.),
Chennai - 600 101


E-mail id:

Contact numbers:

+ 91 044 26541177, 26544477

About Chennai Public School:

Chennai Public School is on the lookout for highly qualified, dedicated, innovative, globally exposed, techno-friendly, learner-centric educators with excellent communication skills to steer the destiny of our smart generation. Chennai Public School offers multitude opportunities for professional growth in a collaborative, conducive work culture and convenient timings.

Selected members of the faculty are offered attractive remuneration packages including benefits such as Provident Fund, Medical Insurance and Educational scholarships for their children.

If you aspire to grow with us and realize your true potential as an educator, then Chennai Public School is the right career platform. Resumes are invited for the following vacancies at Chennai Public School, Anna Nagar for the Academic year. 

SSKV College of Arts and Science Kanchipuram Wanted Assistant Professor

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Vacancy for Assistant Professor in the following disciplines at SSKV College of Arts and Science Kanchipuram

 Name of the post: Assistant Professor


i) English

ii) BCOM

iii) BCA

iv) BBA

v)  Tamil

vi) PET

vii) Mathematics

Educational Qualification: 

As per school norms


How to apply:

Interested and eligible candidates shall apply with their resume to the following address given below  from today 11/01/21.

Official address:  

Kizhambi Kanchipuram - 631551

Phone : 27277880, 27277900

Email id:

Website :

About SSKV College of Arts and Science Kanchipuram :

When, in the year 1904, one Shri Somasundara Sastry, a visionary, founded a school for girls in Kanchipuram little would he have realised that one day his school, like the banyan tree, would send new educational roots from its branches so that they would develop into strong trunks. It was, in a way, in keeping with the character of the town, Kanchipuram, that a school was founded here. But to found a school for girls in 1904, now, in retrospect, seems an act of courage, an act, animated by hope that favoured intellect over established prejudices and an act which also embellished the truth in Winston Churchill’s statement that a man is as big as his decisions. History, as Carlyle said, is the essence of innumerable biographies and the history of the growth of the original SSKV School from a single entity to five schools and a college today is actually the biographies of several people who strove to sustain the small beginning of 1904. The stability of public favour has been prevailing upon the SSKV brand since the beginning because successive office bearers of the Conjeevaram Hindu Educational Society (under whose aegis all the institutions are run) have been as committed as they have been assiduous in their task of institution building. Of these, mention may be made of Shri C R Pattabhi Raman, the son of Sir Sri C P Ramaswami Aiyar, the illustrious Dewan of the erstwhile princely State of Travancore. Mr. A. R. Jagannathan the son-in-law of Shri C R Pattabhi Raman and Dr. Vengudi Ramamurthy. It is only proper that now the President of the Governing Body is Dr. Nanditha Krishna, the great grand daughter of Sir Sri C P Ramaswami Aiyar and who is a well-known personality in Chennai. Under her guidance combined with the industry of Dr. C.K. Raman, the Secretary and the benign influence of Mrs. Umadevi, Joint Secretary, a giant step was taken in 2007 when a College exclusively for women was founded thereby creating an important signpost in the history of SSKV institutions. 


PT Lee Chengalvaraya Naicker College, Vepery Wanted Principal and Teaching Faculty

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 Vacancy for Principal and Faculty in the following disciplines at PT Lee Chengalvaraya Naicker College,  Vepery,  Chennai.

Name of the post: Principal and Teaching Faculty


i) English

ii) Commerce

iii) Computer Science

iv) Management

v)  Tamil

vi) PET

Educational Qualification: 

Ph.D qualified candidates or NET/SLET qualified candidates. Educational  Qualification will be based on UGC Norms.


How to apply:

Interested and eligible candidates shall apply with their resume to the following address given below within 15 days from today 11/01/21.

Official address:  

No:2-3, E.V.K Sampath Salai, Vepery, Chennai - 600007.

Phone : 044-25323913, +91- 9444425167 || Admission : 044-25323913, +91- 9444425167

Website :

About PT Lee Chengalvaraya Naicker College:

     P.T.Lee Chengalvaraya Naicker Polytechnic Trust was established in the year 1996. The nobel philanthropist Shri P.T.Lee Chengalvaraya Naicker Who lived from 1829 to 1874 had bequeathed his entire properties for the welfare of the downtrodden and poor people irrespective of caste cread and colour in tamil nadu by executing a WILL and there by creating a Trust Called “ P.T.Lee Chengalvaraya Naicker Trust “ .

The above said trust was functioning along with the famous Pachaiyappa’s Trust from 1874 to 9.10.1996. From 10.10.1996 onwards the above said Trust is functioning independentely as per the Supreme Court/ High Court/ Governing Orders. The chairman and Managing Trustees Hon’ble Chairman Thiru Justice A. Kulasekaran (Retd), Hon’ble Board of Trustees Thiru. L. Arul, Thiru. V. Sugendran, Dr. C. Veni, Dr. K. Ramalingam, IES., Thiru. G. Sundaramurthi, IAS., Dr. N. Veerappan, Thiru. D. Gubendragunabalan, Thiru. M. Rajendran

Shikshaa Public School Chromepet Wanted Principal

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Are you a qualified teacher searching for Principal post? Do you have experience as a Principal in CBSE school? You have landed in a correct place. Scroll down to see the details of educational qualification, experience details, how to apply and last date to apply.


Name of the post:  Principal

Departments: As per school norms

Educational Qualification: 

As per school norms


How to apply:

Interested and eligible candidates shall apply with their resume to the email address given below.

Official address:  
#8, Ponniamman Koil Street,
Tamilnadu, Chennai 600 064

E-mail id:

Contact numbers:

+91 44 2223 6087,+91 44 2223 8788
+91 97911 59787, +91 91764 07863

About SPS Public School:

Shikshaa has stringent norms for selecting its faculty members. The faculty members are highly qualified.The faculty members are also experienced in teaching the student community for various competitive examinations.Daily problem solving sessions are conducted to solve any difficult problems that  the student might be facing during the course with an unique mentor - mentee concept. Shikshaa has excellent infrastructure provided for its students at its school.This includes air conditioning of the classrooms, teaching aids like projectors, smart-classes, Communication Labs, Robotics, granite flooring etc.

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