Saturday, 1 June 2019

CEG Anna University Chennai needs Research Associate (Salary: 38,000/- + 30% HR)

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Are you looking for Govt jobs in Chennai? Anna university, CEG campus needs talented and dedicated candidates for the post of  Research Associate. Have a look below to know further regarding the job vacancies and last date to apply for the job posts.

CEG Anna University Invites application for the post of  Research Associate

Applications are invited for the post of Research Associate on a temporary basis for the Indo – Russian joint project sponsored by DST, India in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna University, Chennai- 600 025.

Title of the project:
Experimental and theoretical studies of tensile deformation and fracture in presence of martensitic transformation in nano-, micro- and macrostructured alloys

Name of the Posts:
 Professional Assistant

Mechanical Department

The selected candidate will be taken as Research Associate and will be paid a consolidated salary of Rs.38000/- + 30% HRA. The fellowship will be provided initially for a period of six months. Continuation of the fellowship is subject to satisfactory performance and review at the end of sixth month

No of post:

Duration of Project: 1 Year(may be extended)

Essential Qualification:
Ph.D/MS or having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after ME/M. Tech with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.

Desirable Qualification:
Familiarity with mathematical models related to continuum mechanics and constitutive models for crystal plasticity and phase field simulation. Skills in writing using Abaqus explicit or implicit User Subroutines llike UMAT/VUMAT, UHARD, USDFLD etc., in FORTRAN language for materials simulation in nano-, micro- and macro- structured alloys.

How to apply:
Application in the prescribed format may be submitted in sealed envelope to the following Address on or before: 14.06.2019 (5 pm) Dr. S. Balasivanandha Prabu, Co. Investigator, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, CEG Campus, Anna University, Chennai -25. Email:

Last date:  14.06.2019 (5 pm)

1. Only shortlisted candidate will be called for the interview
2. No TA / DA will be provided
3. Posts are purely on temporary basis
4. Selected candidate should join immediately
5. Candidate should come will original certificate for interview

Detailed recruitment notification can be had at:

College Address:
Anna University,
Sardar Patel Road,
Chennai 25.

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